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No idea is too small
Acusu builds custom solutions from scratch, ensuring seamless integration with existing environments and systems. We extend this offering to startup products and large-scale business process automation alike.
With tried‑and‑true knowledge of tech platforms and components, both open‑source and proprietary, we create custom solutions that address our customers’ unique demands.
We offer redesign, refactoring, migration to newer platforms, and architecture review for outdated and lagging legacy systems in need of an overhaul.
Utilizing the latest in Mobile Web technology, we can build you a mobile (android / apple) "installable" mobile app . With quick turnaround and simple UI. Allowing us to update the app centrally without the need for App Store updates
Integration into 3rd Party applications, Existing data, proprietary solutions to better utilize your day to day operations.
We deliver mobile apps that seamlessly plug into the existing IT infrastructure, including numerous back-end systems and mission-critical technologies, as well as communicate with external applications and services, e.g. cloud services and services from partners or suppliers.
All development is built around you and your staff. Nothing is off the shelf.
No install limitations. Install everywhere you need it. You pay for the development not the usage
Support packages to suit your operation, at affordable prices
Your app evolves around you and your needs. So why stop there. Evolution is here.
With business logic and system back-end prioritized, the usability of enterprise applications is often overlooked. But attention to mobile UX design is key to Acusu: we keep demonstrating that high business impact, adoption rate and employee usage are inherent to those mobile apps whose user experience exposes simplified workload from the very first interaction. Acusu delivers branded user experiences that contribute to user adoption and productivity, considering all aspects of broader enterprise IT infrastructure.
If you are a one man band, or a large multi-location corporate we have options for all budgets. Scalable development means you pay as you go. You pay as we add newer gizmos ans gadgets only when you are ready.
Acusu have been working accross a number of sectors to thrive in delivering powerful tools to save you money from the start. Evolving in your making money by using the tools to better your operations
Storing your data securely is key. Using high levels of encryption to ensure that your data is safe
Sales projections and forcasting and event Staff and Client performance
Working smartly to ensure government and sector compliances are adhered to
Putting a roadmap of development for the future. Targets mean Productivity
(+44) 208 123 7729
(+44) 78 7777 3703
After all, it is your information not ours
The first step in the bespoke software development process is to immerse ourselves in the client's current methods and processes. This provides us the route we need to determine the best bespoke software development.
Establishing the anticipated long-term bespoke software development requirements of the business is essential and creates the opportunity to 'design in' scalable bespoke functionality. This approach allows the bespoke development to change with the needs of the client whilst being time and cost effective.
Acusu delivers superior service and 'added-value' by applying 'best practice' in all areas of analysis, design, bespoke software development and ongoing support.